With our busy, noisy, constantly connected lives, who gets to enjoy any silence? Especially when it feels impossible to slow down, reflect on life and reconnect. So, when it is now known that chronic noise affects the health, any opportunity to slow down, listen to nature and be alone with yourself is sure to do you a world of good. For a dose of needed calm, look no further than these three wellness destinations, all designed to help you sideline stress for anything from several days to several weeks.
La Pensée Sauvage in France’s Vercors region. Go for a detox in the heart of the rugged French countryside, where daily hikes in silence are available to anyone who wants to join. www.lapenseesauvage.com
Le Mas Fontefiguière in Provence. As part of the “Relais du Silence” affiliated chain of hotels, Le Mas Fontefiguière makes for the ideal place to relax, eat healthy, meditate, rejuvenate and unwind in peace and quiet.
L’Abbaye de Lerins. Here, you can stay up to 15 days in a 100% silent environment, where you can both take the time to be with yourself and join the resident monks for daily chores and meals.
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